Maintaining plant health and vitality is very important for any kind of grower, especially when dealing with fungus gnats. These pests infest the roots and hinder the growth of many different plants, especially seedlings and young plants.

Using natural solutions to treat fungus gnats not only effectively eliminates the pests but also ensures that your plants remain free from harmful chemicals.

Environmental Plant Management addresses this challenge with Protection Plus™ natural insecticide spray. Specifically formulated to manage fungus gnats, this solution combines efficacy with environmental safety.

With our Protection Plus™ fungus gnats treatment, you can effectively protect your plants from pests while maintaining their overall health.

Protection Plus insecticide spray is non-systemic and can be used as a drench, dip, or foliar spray.


What Are Fungus Gnats?

Belonging to the fly family Diptera, fungus gnats are small, delicate insects commonly found around damp, decaying organic matter. They resemble mosquitoes with slender bodies, long legs, and segmented antennae.

They're typically about 1/16 to 1/8 inch long and have light gray to clear wings often marked with a distinctive Y-shaped vein.

Fungus gnats thrive in moist environments where they lay eggs in the soil or organic debris. Once hatched, fungus gnat larvae feed on fungi, algae, and plant roots, which can harm houseplants and other indoor plants.

Signs of Fungus Gnat Infestation

To mitigate damage to your plants, it’s important to identify fungus gnats infestation early.

Look for tiny, delicate adult gnats flying around your plants or windows, particularly in indoor settings. These insects are often weak fliers and stay close to the pot of soil or plant foliage.

Another indication is yellowing or wilting of plant leaves, which suggests larvae may be feeding on roots. Examine the soil surface for tiny, worm-like larvae or slime trails to confirm infestation.

Stages of The Fungus Gnat Lifecycle

  • Egg Stage: Laid in moist soil, 100-300 eggs. Hatch in 3-7 days in warm, damp conditions.
  • Growth Period: Mature in 2-3 weeks. Larvae feed on roots, causing root damage and stunted growth.
  • Mature Insects: Adults live about 1 week, laying eggs but not causing direct damage.


Why Choose Our Natural Fungus Gnat Solution?

When it comes to fungus gnat control, Protection Plus™ has established itself as a highly effective solution as it excels in efficacy, safety, and ease of application.

Our natural solution is crafted from natural ingredients designed to swiftly eliminate fungus gnats upon contact while ensuring the safety of plants and pets, unlike conventional insecticides that may pose risks.

Beyond its pest control capabilities, Protection Plus™ offers significant benefits for plant health. Regular use at low doses during watering helps to reduce biofilm on plant roots. This improvement in root health facilitates better nutrient uptake, leading to stronger, more resilient plants.

Moreover, Protection Plus™ is designed for flexibility in application. It can be applied as a foliar spray, a soil drench, or even as a dip, so you can use it most conveniently and effectively for specific pest control needs.

Key Ingredients in Our Natural Fungus Gnat Insecticide

Protection Plus™ fungus gnat insecticide uses natural ingredients carefully chosen for their exceptional ability to control these pests effectively.

It’s formulated with citric acid as the active ingredient, complemented by inert ingredients, including water, yeast, soap, sodium benzoate, and potassium.

This formulation provides a safe, oil-free way to get rid of fungus gnats without leaving harmful residues and opportunities for resistance, making it suitable for both commercial growers and home gardeners.

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Protection Plus -
No oils, residue, or lasting odor

  • Earth-friendly: natural, food-based ingredients
  • Lower cost: Eliminates excessive treatments and the need for product rotation
  • Guaranteed pure: Quarterly testing to be free of over 400 forbidden ingredients to ensure our products are safe and natural for tough hemp and cannabis testing requirements
  • Free of all Proposition 65 ingredients
  • Residue-free, non-oil based formula doesn’t clog pores or hamper plant growth
  • Industry high kill rates


How Our Fungus Gnat Insecticide Works

Chemical insecticides often provide immediate and powerful pest control but can be harmful to the environment as they leave toxic residues that affect not only pests but also animals and even humans.

Because of that, natural insecticides have long been a go-to for managing pests like fungus gnats. However, most of them use natural oils and pyrethrins that also leave a residue on plants and require multiple applications to control infestations fully. Additionally, pests can build up resistance to these natural compounds, leading to diminished effectiveness over time.

Protection Plus™ presents a distinct advantage over both chemical and traditional natural insecticides. By combining natural ingredients in a unique formulation, it provides swift and effective pest control without the drawbacks associated with other solutions.

Exploring its specific mode of action and recommended application methods in detail will help you understand how effective the treatment is and why it's a better option to stop fungus gnats from damaging your plants.

Mode of Action

Protection Plus™ insecticide offers an effective solution for eliminating fungus gnats at all stages of their life cycle, from eggs and larvae to adult fungus gnats.

Unlike traditional insecticides that only paralyze pests, Protection Plus™ works as a contact solution that dissolves the exoskeleton of fungus gnats. This method ensures the rapid and thorough eradication of the pest population.

Once Protection Plus™ comes into contact with fungus gnats, they may take between 3 seconds and 24 hours to die, depending on their exoskeleton thickness. While some may still lay eggs before they succumb, regular applications help target newly emerged pests and ensure complete elimination of the pest population.

Our natural insecticide delivers comprehensive coverage; as Protection Plus™ can be used as both a soil drench and coating foliar surfaces, it can reach fungus gnats wherever they may be. This dual action guarantees thorough and effective pest control.

Application Methods

Getting rid of fungus gnats requires the right approach with Protection Plus™ insecticide.

Before applying the insecticide, ensure your plants are fully hydrated. Then, start by testing a small amount on one plant to see how it reacts and adjust the dosage if necessary.

For soil applications, flush the soil with clear water first, then use a root drench with a solution of 2-4 ounces per gallon of water. Be sure to shake the product thoroughly, as it's a concentrate, and agitate the prepared solution every 30 minutes to keep the natural ingredients evenly suspended. Then, pour the solution around the plant base, letting it soak into the root area where fungus gnats gather.

For leaf applications, spray the solution thoroughly on leaves, stems, and soil. Assess the severity of the infestation to determine the optimal application schedule for effectively combating fungus gnats.

An aggressive treatment starts with three applications on the first day, ensuring each coat dries between treatments. Follow this with applications on days two, three, and four, then pause on days five and six. Resume on day seven with one application and repeat every three days until the infestation diminishes.

Meanwhile, moderate infestations require you to start with an application on day one, followed by treatments on days four and seven, continuing every three days as necessary. Lastly, for preventative measures, apply once a week and monitor closely for any signs of infestation to maintain plant health proactively.